
您所在的位置:网站首页 美国 各州 面积 9.Pandas练习:美国个州的统计数据


2024-06-13 08:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


前面讲解了那么多Pandas中的内容,下面将结合真实的数据集来进行Pandas数据分析练习, 我们这个练习只进行最简单的分析,目的是找出人口密度最高和最稀疏的州




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import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt population=pd.read_csv('./data-USstates-master/state-population.csv') areas=pd.read_csv('./data-USstates-master/state-areas.csv') abbreviation=pd.read_csv('./data-USstates-master/state-abbrevs.csv') 了解数据集



print('---------------数据集内容---------------\n') print(abbreviation.head()) print(areas.head()) print(population.head()) print('---------------数据集信息---------------\n') print(type(abbreviation),'\t\t\t\t\t',abbreviation.shape) print(abbreviation.columns) print(abbreviation.index,'\n') print(type(areas),'\t\t\t\t\t',areas.shape) print(areas.columns) print(areas.index,'\n') print(type(population),'\t\t\t\t\t',population.shape) print(population.columns) print(population.index) >>> ---------------数据集内容--------------- state abbreviation 0 Alabama AL 1 Alaska AK 2 Arizona AZ 3 Arkansas AR 4 California CA state area (sq. mi) 0 Alabama 52423 1 Alaska 656425 2 Arizona 114006 3 Arkansas 53182 4 California 163707 state/region ages year population 0 AL under18 2012 1117489.0 1 AL total 2012 4817528.0 2 AL under18 2010 1130966.0 3 AL total 2010 4785570.0 4 AL under18 2011 1125763.0 ---------------数据集信息--------------- (51, 2) Index(['state', 'abbreviation'], dtype='object') RangeIndex(start=0, stop=51, step=1) (52, 2) Index(['state', 'area (sq. mi)'], dtype='object') RangeIndex(start=0, stop=52, step=1) (2544, 4) Index(['state/region', 'ages', 'year', 'population'], dtype='object') RangeIndex(start=0, stop=2544, step=1)











whichstate=pd.merge(abbreviation,areas,on='state',how='outer') print(whichstate.isnull().any()) >>> state False abbreviation True area (sq. mi) False dtype: bool


whichstate=pd.merge(abbreviation,areas,on='state',how='outer') print(whichstate[whichstate['abbreviation'].isnull()]) >>> state abbreviation area (sq. mi) 51 Puerto Rico NaN 3515

发现是Puerto Rico这个州缺失了缩写,百度一下这个名字,发现是波多黎各



print('Puerto Rico' in abbreviation['state']) >>> False





print(population.set_index('state/region')) print(population.set_index('state/region').T['AL'].shape[1]) >>> ages year population state/region AL under18 2012 1117489.0 AL total 2012 4817528.0 AL under18 2010 1130966.0 AL total 2010 4785570.0 AL under18 2011 1125763.0 ... ... ... ... USA total 2010 309326295.0 USA under18 2011 73902222.0 USA total 2011 311582564.0 USA under18 2012 73708179.0 USA total 2012 313873685.0 [2544 rows x 3 columns] 48




print(population.shape[0]/48) >>> 53.0


这显然和前面的50 / 51个州对不上,因此我们需要继续查看是哪里不对,到底多了哪些内容





print(population.head()) print(abbreviation.head()) >>> state/region ages year population 0 AL under18 2012 1117489.0 1 AL total 2012 4817528.0 2 AL under18 2010 1130966.0 3 AL total 2010 4785570.0 4 AL under18 2011 1125763.0 state abbreviation 0 Alabama AL 1 Alaska AK 2 Arizona AZ 3 Arkansas AR 4 California CA


whichstat_1=pd.merge(abbreviation,population,left_on='abbreviation',right_on='state/region',how='outer') print(whichstat_1.isnull().any()) >>> state True abbreviation True state/region False ages False year False population True dtype: bool


whichstat_1=pd.merge(abbreviation,population,left_on='abbreviation',right_on='state/region',how='outer') print(population['state/region'][whichstat_1['state'].isnull()]) print(population['state/region'][whichstat_1['state'].isnull()].size) >>> 2448 PR 2449 PR 2450 PR 2451 PR 2452 PR ... 2539 USA 2540 USA 2541 USA 2542 USA 2543 USA Name: state/region, Length: 96, dtype: object 96




print(population.set_index('state/region').T['PR'].T) print(population.set_index('state/region').T['USA'].T) >>> ages year population state/region PR under18 1990 NaN PR total 1990 NaN PR total 1991 NaN PR under18 1991 NaN PR total 1993 NaN PR under18 1993 NaN PR under18 1992 NaN PR total 1992 NaN PR under18 1994 NaN PR total 1994 NaN PR total 1995 NaN PR under18 1995 NaN PR under18 1996 NaN PR total 1996 NaN PR under18 1998 NaN PR total 1998 NaN PR total 1997 NaN PR under18 1997 NaN PR total 1999 NaN PR under18 1999 NaN PR total 2000 3.81060e+06 PR under18 2000 1.08906e+06 PR total 2001 3.81877e+06 PR under18 2001 1.07757e+06 PR total 2002 3.8237e+06 PR under18 2002 1.06505e+06 PR total 2004 3.82688e+06 PR under18 2004 1.03592e+06 PR total 2003 3.8261e+06 PR under18 2003 1.05062e+06 PR total 2005 3.82136e+06 PR under18 2005 1.01945e+06 PR total 2006 3.80521e+06 PR under18 2006 998543 PR total 2007 3.783e+06 PR under18 2007 973613 PR total 2008 3.76087e+06 PR under18 2008 945705 PR under18 2013 814068 PR total 2013 3.61509e+06 PR total 2009 3.74041e+06 PR under18 2009 920794 PR total 2010 3.72121e+06 PR under18 2010 896945 PR under18 2011 869327 PR total 2011 3.68658e+06 PR under18 2012 841740 PR total 2012 3.65154e+06 ages year population state/region USA under18 1990 6.42185e+07 USA total 1990 2.49623e+08 USA total 1991 2.52981e+08 USA under18 1991 6.5313e+07 USA under18 1992 6.65092e+07 USA total 1992 2.56514e+08 USA total 1993 2.59919e+08 USA under18 1993 6.75949e+07 USA under18 1994 6.86409e+07 USA total 1994 2.63126e+08 USA under18 1995 6.94731e+07 USA under18 1996 7.02335e+07 USA total 1995 2.66278e+08 USA total 1996 2.69394e+08 USA total 1997 2.72647e+08 USA under18 1997 7.09207e+07 USA under18 1998 7.14314e+07 USA total 1998 2.75854e+08 USA under18 1999 7.19461e+07 USA total 2000 2.82162e+08 USA under18 2000 7.23762e+07 USA total 1999 2.7904e+08 USA total 2001 2.84969e+08 USA under18 2001 7.26712e+07 USA total 2002 2.87625e+08 USA under18 2002 7.29365e+07 USA total 2003 2.90108e+08 USA under18 2003 7.31008e+07 USA total 2004 2.92805e+08 USA under18 2004 7.32977e+07 USA total 2005 2.95517e+08 USA under18 2005 7.35237e+07 USA total 2006 2.9838e+08 USA under18 2006 7.37577e+07 USA total 2007 3.01231e+08 USA under18 2007 7.40194e+07 USA total 2008 3.04094e+08 USA under18 2008 7.41046e+07 USA under18 2013 7.35859e+07 USA total 2013 3.16129e+08 USA total 2009 3.06772e+08 USA under18 2009 7.41342e+07 USA under18 2010 7.41196e+07 USA total 2010 3.09326e+08 USA under18 2011 7.39022e+07 USA total 2011 3.11583e+08 USA under18 2012 7.37082e+07 USA total 2012 3.13874e+08







print(areas['area (sq. mi)'].isnull().sum(),'\n') print(population['population'].isnull().sum()) >>> 0 20


print(population['population'].isnull()) print(population[population['population'].isnull()]) >>> 0 False 1 False 2 False 3 False 4 False ... 2539 False 2540 False 2541 False 2542 False 2543 False Name: population, Length: 2544, dtype: bool state/region ages year population 2448 PR under18 1990 NaN 2449 PR total 1990 NaN 2450 PR total 1991 NaN 2451 PR under18 1991 NaN 2452 PR total 1993 NaN 2453 PR under18 1993 NaN 2454 PR under18 1992 NaN 2455 PR total 1992 NaN 2456 PR under18 1994 NaN 2457 PR total 1994 NaN 2458 PR total 1995 NaN 2459 PR under18 1995 NaN 2460 PR under18 1996 NaN 2461 PR total 1996 NaN 2462 PR under18 1998 NaN 2463 PR total 1998 NaN 2464 PR total 1997 NaN 2465 PR under18 1997 NaN 2466 PR total 1999 NaN 2467 PR under18 1999 NaN




population['population']=population['population'].fillna(0) print(population['population'].isnull().sum()) >>> 0 数据处理



population['population']=population['population'].fillna(0) population=population.set_index('state/region').T.drop('USA',axis=1).T merged_half=pd.merge(abbreviation,areas,left_on='state',right_on='state',how='outer') merged_half['abbreviation'].values[-1]='PR' merged_all=pd.merge(population,merged_half,left_on='state/region',right_on='abbreviation',how='outer') merged_all['density']=merged_all['population']/merged_all['area (sq. mi)'] merged_all.sort_values(ascending=False,inplace=True,by='density') print(merged_all) >>> ages year population state abbreviation area (sq. mi) density 391 total 2013 646449 District of Columbia DC 68 9506.6 385 total 2012 633427 District of Columbia DC 68 9315.1 387 total 2011 619624 District of Columbia DC 68 9112.12 431 total 1990 605321 District of Columbia DC 68 8901.78 389 total 2010 605125 District of Columbia DC 68 8898.9 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2461 total 1996 0 Puerto Rico PR 3515 0 2462 under18 1998 0 Puerto Rico PR 3515 0 2463 total 1998 0 Puerto Rico PR 3515 0 2465 under18 1997 0 Puerto Rico PR 3515 0 2448 under18 1990 0 Puerto Rico PR 3515 0 [2496 rows x 7 columns]




print(merged_all.query("year==2010 & ages == 'total'").head()) >>> ages year population state abbreviation area (sq. mi) density 389 total 2010 605125 District of Columbia DC 68 8898.9 2490 total 2010 3.72121e+06 Puerto Rico PR 3515 1058.67 1445 total 2010 8.80271e+06 New Jersey NJ 8722 1009.25 1914 total 2010 1.05267e+06 Rhode Island RI 1545 681.339 293 total 2010 3.57921e+06 Connecticut CT 5544 645.601




print(merged_all.query("year==2010 & ages == 'total'").tail()) >>> ages year population state abbreviation area (sq. mi) density 2010 total 2010 816211 South Dakota SD 77121 10.5835 1637 total 2010 674344 North Dakota ND 70704 9.53757 1253 total 2010 990527 Montana MT 147046 6.73617 2405 total 2010 564222 Wyoming WY 97818 5.76808 91 total 2010 713868 Alaska AK 656425 1.08751



import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ''' API说明: FindAns(state,year, age) state是需要查询的州,只有state参数时会输出查询州的所有人口信息 year是要查询的年份,只有year参数是会输出查询年份的所有人口信息 age是指定查询的对象,可选total或under18,只有year参数会输出指定所有州所有年份指定对象的人口信息 三个参数可以任意搭配 当指定state参数和age参数时会绘制该州指定人口历年的人口图像 示例: FindAns(age='total') FindAns(year=2010) FindAns(state='AK') FindAns(state='WI',age='total',year=2010) FindAns(state='CA',age='total') FindAns(age='total',year=1998) ''' global population,areas,abbreviation population=pd.read_csv('./data-USstates-master/state-population.csv') areas=pd.read_csv('./data-USstates-master/state-areas.csv') abbreviation=pd.read_csv('./data-USstates-master/state-abbrevs.csv') global All_sorted,All_unsorted,Ans_sorted,Ans_unsorted def Description(): print('---------------数据集内容---------------\n') print(abbreviation.head()) print('\n\n') print(areas.head()) print('\n\n') print(population.head()) print('\n\n\n') print('---------------数据集信息---------------\n') print('abbreviation:') print('\t',type(abbreviation), '\t\t\t\t\t', abbreviation.shape) print('\t',abbreviation.columns) print('\t',abbreviation.index,'\n') print('\n\n') print('areas:') print('\t',type(areas),'\t\t\t\t\t',areas.shape) print('\t',areas.columns) print('\t',areas.index,'\n') print('population:') print('\t',type(population),'\t\t\t\t\t',population.shape) print('\t',population.columns) print('\t',population.index) print('\n\n\n') def GetAll(): global All_sorted,population,All_unsorted population['population'].fillna(0) population['population']=population['population'].fillna(0) population=population.set_index('state/region').T.drop('USA',axis=1).T merged_half=pd.merge(abbreviation,areas,left_on='state',right_on='state',how='outer') merged_half['abbreviation'].values[-1]='PR' merged_all=pd.merge(population,merged_half,left_on='state/region',right_on='abbreviation',how='outer') merged_all['density']=merged_all['population']/merged_all['area (sq. mi)'] All_unsorted=merged_all.sort_values(ascending=True,by='year') All_sorted=merged_all.sort_values(ascending=False,by='density') def FindAns(age=0,state=0,year=0): global Ans_sorted,Ans_unsorted,All_sorted,All_unsorted if age==0 and state==0 and year==0: print('Error value, you must indicate at least one parameter in year,state,age') return 0 elif age!=0 and state!=0 and year==0: str_find='ages== \''+str(age)+'\' & '+'abbreviation== \''+str(state)+'\'' elif age!=0 and state==0 and year!=0: str_find='ages==\''+str(age)+'\' & '+'year=='+str(year) elif age==0 and state!=0 and year!=0: str_find='abbreviation==\''+str(state)+'\' & '+'year=='+str(year) elif age!=0 and state==0 and year==0: str_find='ages==\''+str(age)+'\'' elif age==0 and state!=0 and year==0: str_find='abbreviation==\''+str(state)+'\'' elif age==0 and state==0 and year!=0: str_find='year=='+str(year) elif age!=0 and state!=0 and year!=0: str_find='ages==\''+str(age)+'\' & '+'abbreviation==\''+str(state)+'\' & '+'year=='+str(year) Ans_sorted=All_sorted.query(str_find) Ans_unsorted=All_unsorted.query(str_find) print(Ans_unsorted) if age!=0 and state!=0 and year==0: PlotState() def PlotState(): global Ans_sorted,Ans_unsorted plt.plot(Ans_unsorted['year'],Ans_unsorted['density']) plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Population Density') plt.title('Population Density of '+str(Ans_unsorted.iloc[0,3])) plt.show() Description() GetAll()




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